with Coaching Cape Town
Focusing on healing and personal growth, you will receive expert guidance to transform your pain into strength and resilience.
Most people living in this uncertain world can testify to the masterful curveballs life can throw at us.
Even the strongest and most capable of us can be knocked off balance by unexpected, challenging events, which leave us temporarily overwhelmed and stuck.
Do any of the situations below resonate with you? They are some of the most common reasons people reach out to me for counselling.
⚑ I just found out my partner, husband or wife is having an affair.
⚑ After many years of marriage, my spouse wants a divorce out of the blue.
⚑ I had a life-changing health scare like a heart attack or stroke.
⚑ My house was broken into recently while I was at home.
⚑ I was in a car accident.
⚑ My child, partner, parent, or sibling just died, and the grief is too much to bear.
⚑ My business partner betrayed me, and my company and livelihood are now at stake.
⚑ I am married to an abusive partner, and it hurts too much to cope anymore.
⚑ I was molested as a child or date raped at varsity, and now it is affecting me in my marriage.
⚑ We had a miscarriage, and my husband and I are uncertain how to deal with it.
⚑ I am left behind after the suicide of a loved one. How do I cope with the guilt, anger, and hurt?
⚑ A colleague was attacked at the office. Or one of our drivers was hijacked.
⚑ Certain things at work are triggering me, causing uncharacteristic anger outbursts.
⚑ I am a doctor or nurse, and I have cared for too many patients with horrific injuries or illnesses. I am burnt out and feel numb.
Your story is unique. Your challenge may not be on the list above, and even if you are living through a “common” trauma, your experience is real and personal.
Read how Rudolph van Schoor’s expert coaching has empowered individuals to achieve their goals and overcome challenges. Explore their stories and see the transformation for yourself.
These warning symptoms indicate that you may need help to conquer your overwhelming circumstances. Are any of these true for you?
⚑ I have frequent nightmares, and when I wake up in the early morning hours, I can’t fall asleep again.
⚑ I get sudden flashbacks in usually safe environments like my office or the mall.
⚑ I can’t get the images of a traumatic incident out of my mind.
⚑ My body doesn’t feel normal – I am shaky even when I am safe.
⚑ After the trigger incident, how I act at work or home hurts my relationships. My irritability and temper are creating reputational damage.
⚑ I don’t feel like myself and don’t want to be here.
⚑ I have difficulty concentrating and am not on top of everything.
⚑ I struggle to allow people to get close to me after the traumatic events.
⚑ I suddenly remembered something buried deep in my past, and I can’t ignore the memories anymore.
⚑ The morale of our team at work is down after a traumatic experience.
My practice offers a private and confidential setting where you can unload and process the emotions you are experiencing. Through psycho-education, we will explore the normal responses to and management tools for the critical incident you faced. We unearth the dynamics of the trauma and map out how it disempowers, overwhelms, and controls you. With these insights, we develop a strategy which will allow you to grow stronger, rediscover your sense of self, and regain your personal agency.
Complex trauma refers to prolonged or repeated exposure to traumatic events, often of an interpersonal nature (such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect), typically beginning in childhood. Unlike acute trauma, which stems from a single, isolated event, complex trauma arises in continuous situations where the victim feels powerless. This often occurs in environments that should offer care and protection, such as within families or institutions. Prolonged exposure to trauma can have long-term psychological and relational effects. For example, survivors of complex trauma may experience difficulties in trust, intimacy, and forming healthy relationships, as well as disruption of their sense of self, self-worth, emotional regulation, and coping strategies. Although we can become skilful at masking, the effects of trauma will still leak out in how we show up in and experience the world.
Individual sessions will help you work through the pain and discover who you really are. Through coaching, I can assist you in developing healthy coping skills and attachment. Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), a technique for dealing with negative emotions and images of past experiences, will also be used where appropriate.
Post-traumatic stress growth refers to the positive personal and psychological development that can occur after a disruptive incident.
During and after a traumatic event, you learn much about yourself, your worldview, and your priorities. These insights can be turned into practical wisdom to apply to your daily life, allowing you to function and perform on an even higher level than before. Reaching this point will mean the full integration of your past, and it is the ideal end goal of the whole trauma counselling process.
When a traumatic incident in the workspace (such as serious injury, death, or crime) derails your employees, they urgently need the right support. Trauma debriefing and counselling are crucial for employees to process the event’s impact and build the resilience they need to be productive again. Group debriefing sessions and one-on-one sessions can be done at your workplace.
Here are some scholarly articles in support of the trauma services I offer:
1. Billings, J. et al., 2023. Post-incident psychosocial interventions after a traumatic incident in the workplace: a systematic review. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
2. Arancibia, M. et al., 2022. Phycological debriefing in acute traumatic events: Evidence synthesis. Medwave.
3. Stileman, H.M. and Jones, C.A., 2023. Revisiting the debriefing debate: does psychological debriefing reduce PTSD symptomology? Frontiers in Psychology.
4. Alshahrani, K., Prudenzi, A. and O’Connor, D.B., 2022. The effectiveness of psychological interventions for reducing PTSD and psychological distress in first responders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS ONE.
5. Descilo, T. et al., 2019. Effects of Traumatic Incident Reduction on Post-traumatic Symptoms in a Community-Based Agency. Research on Social Work Practice.
6. Williams, H.M. and Erlank, E.C., 2019. Traumatic Incident Reduction: A suitable technique for South African social work practice settings. Health Sa Gesondheid.
7. Descilo, T. et al., 2010. Traumatic Incident Reduction for Urban At-Risk Youth and Unaccompanied Minor Refugees: Two Open Trials. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.
8. Gerbode, F.A., 2006. Traumatic Incident Reduction. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.
9. Chang, A.K., Kim, A.Y. and Kim, S.H., 2024. Development and evaluation of a post-traumatic growth promotion programme for North Korean refugees. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
10. Kvasova, O.G. et al., 2022. Post Traumatic Growth as a way of mastering COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index. European Psychiatry.
11. Bae, K.R., So, W.Y. and Jang, S., 2023. Effects of a Post-traumatic Growth Program on Young Korean Breast Cancer Survivors. Healthcare.
12. Jang, H.R. and Keum, M.J., 2022. A Study on the Effectiveness of Post-traumatic Growth Program; Based on the cognitive emotional control strategies. Journal of Counseling Psychology Education Welfare.